Create a New Relic account

If you already have a New Relic account with APM Pro, you can skip this page.

To create a New Relic account, go to New Relic’s signup page. Or, if you have a specific offer from a New Relic partner, follow that link directly.

If you have already created an account, but are having trouble logging in, see Troubleshoot password or login problems.

Account security

New Relic uses a role-based structure so that you have direct control over who can access or change your account settings. For more information about New Relic’s security measures, see our security and privacy documentation, or visit the New Relic security website.

Add to allow list

Recommendation: Add and * to your allow list of trusted email sources. This helps to:

  • Prevent New Relic emails from being trapped in your spam filters.
  • Prevent your email from being added to suppression lists.

For help with adding email addresses to your allow list, contact your organization’s email administrator.

Sign up for New Relic account

From New Relic’s account signup page:

  1. Follow the online steps to create your account.
  2. Agree to the Terms of Service.
  3. When you receive an email confirmation message, select the link to confirm your account, sign in to New Relic, and complete the deployment process.


Try these troubleshooting tips for logging in to your account before requesting help from New Relic.

Problem Tip
New account signup If you have problems when signing up for your New Relic account, select the link on the signup page to start a chat session with New Relic.
Account login If you have password or email problems, or if you have problems logging in to New Relic after you sign up for an account, see New Relic’s troubleshooting tips.
SAML SSO accounts If you have problems logging in to New Relic with a SAML Single Sign On (SSO) enabled account, see New Relic’s troubleshooting tips.